Real Estate Math

I LOVE those real estate magazines you get for free at the supermarket.  The gorgeous houses just call out to me.  The pools, the rooms, the fantastic layouts, the backyards.  One day, I will live in a magazine-worthy house.  However, until then, I can dream....and use the magazines in my classroom.

These are great tools to get the students using and thinking about large numbers.  In the beginning of the year, I have my students "go shopping" in one of the aforementioned magazines.  Given a budget of $5,000,000, the students must purchase three houses, with at least one priced over $1,000,000.  (since we are in Southern California, that isn't a problem in the least)

Once the houses are "bought" (cut out from the magazine), the students write a check for each one.  This is where they practice writing large numbers in both word and standard forms (if you wanted, you can have them write it in expanded form on the "memo" line)

Then, the students have to input the checks into their check register.  They must add up the checks to see how much they spent in total, as well as subtract the house prices from the original $5mil.  Subtraction across zeros at its finest ;) 

When the math is done, I let the students create their new neighborhood, complete with "sold signs" and everything!

Now, due to the rise of more online ways of purchasing houses, the magazines that used to be readily available are not. So I had to make my own.  So I took all of what I used to do with them, added some lesson plans for you, updated the templates, and now have it available for you here.


  1. I am glad you found it useful Sarah! Feel free to adapt to your needs (I originally used this idea in 4th grade, so it should fit perfectly!)

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this! We just sold my dad's house and my daughter loves looking at million dollar houses for sale so this is PERFECT for her!!!

  3. Love this! Hope you'll post it at Math Monday's blog hop!

    Cindy @ love2learn2day

  4. Wonderful hands on project, so original--and cheap to implement. LOL! Love the work sample that we can post in the hallway. Thank you very much. Please repost the link for the check register. Clicking on the photo shows an error message, clicking on the link below the pic, opens the pdf for the check template. TYSM again.

  5. i just stumbled across your blog from interest searching for adding large numbers. I teach a split class and this is a great activity I can use and alter for both grades! thank you for sharing!!!

  6. Love this idea. We live in rainy Scotland so no million pound houses here and definitely no pool :-(

  7. fantastic project!! thanks for sharing!! =)

  8. Invaluable article ! I Appreciate the insight - Does someone know if my business would be able to find a blank FLCS Check Register Template example to fill in ?

  9. They must add up the checks to see how much they spent in total, as well as subtract the house prices from the original $5mil. Kensington Greece

  10. Among one of the finest pieces on the web, refreshing in its specificity.
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  11. Wonderful hands on project - thanks for sharing!

  12. (I originally used this idea in 4th grade, so it should fit perfectly!)


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